Functions in Korppi Korppi


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Apr/25/2024 19:36

, 37 ECTS, JY:n avoin yliopisto [home page]

Open University

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The registration deadline for this course passed 31.7.20 at 23:59.

Payment information

Study fee: 370.0 Euro
Instalments: 2 even instalments

General information

Home page: https://www.avoin.jyu.fi/oppiaineet/kauppatieteet
Registration period: 5.8.19 at 0:00 - 31.7.20 at 23:59
Study right valid: 720 days from the registration date
Credits: 37.0 ECTS cr.
Registered: 20
Organisations:Marketing (open univ.) (AVOYMA), Open University (AYO)
Course organisers:JY:n avoin yliopisto

Courses belonging to the study module