Functions in Korppi Korppi


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Apr/20/2024 13:16

Pages in Korppi environment.

The language used was temporarily changed. Personal information page allows you to save your language settings.

Search from Korppi. You may search using single words or parts of words. To course search...

By logging in, you will be able to search from a larger set of functions available.

The start page of the Korppi system offers access to different applications of Korppi.
FAQ offers answers to frequently asked questions about Korppi.
Help, information
Tool tips, short info texts and other help functions are available in Help. Question marks will direct you to the correct place in Help. Help includes also information about the history of Korppi.
Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement for Korppi system required by the Digital Service Act and the EU Accessibility Directive.
Log in
When you log in, you will be able to e.g. register for courses, use calendar and review your course data. In order to log in, you will need a user account and a password. If you are new to Korppi, you can get an account by registering. Persons with user accounts will not be allowed to create another account. If you have forgotten your user account or password, you will find more information in 'Forgot your password' link and FAQ.
Searching and registering for studies
You can review course data and register for chosen courses. In order to register for a course, you will need to log in.
Course programme
You can review the course programme at the University of Jyväskylä. You can register for courses also from the course programme data.
Examinations will display all upcoming exams arranged by different departments. When you register for an exam, you will need to log in.
Degree programmes
You can review the degree programmes of different departments. If you want to compose a personal study plan (ehops) based on degree programmes, Korppi requires that you log in.
Change language.

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