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19.5.2024 09:50

Supplementary studies (CEM) (Pääaineopiskelijoille)

Kielesi vaihdettiin, mutta asetusta ei tallennettu pysyväksi. Henkilötietojen muutossivulla voit tallentaa valitsemasi kielen pysyvästi käyttöön.
Organisaatio: Yritysten ympäristöjohtaminen (JSBE)
Vuosi: 2008-2010
Tila: Suunnitteilla
Lisätietoja: Depending on the individual background, the student may be required to take some supplementary courses. The basic pre-requisite for advanced level studies in Corporate Environmental Management is the CEMA150 Business, Society and Environment course, which is arranged as part of the subject studies in Management and Leadership.
International degree students, who have not completed an academic Finnish course previously, are required to take the following supplementary language course: XSU0005 Suomi 1.
Finnish students should have completed written and speech communication in the Finnish language and Swedish (virkamiesruotsi) in their previous degree or they must complete them as supplementary language studies (see supplemantary studies). Students, who complete both Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in the School of Business and Economics, should have 25 ECTS language studies in total (15 + 10).

Credits received from the supplementary studies cannot be included in the total 120 ECTS of the Master’s degree.
Taso: Perus- ja aineopinnot
Tyyppi: Pääaineopiskelijoille

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