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2.5.2024 08:48

Master's Degree Programme in Nanoscience, Specialisation in Chemistry

Organisaatio: Kemian laitos
Vuosi: 2017-2020
Tila: Aktiiviset
Lisätietoja: Master''s Degree Programme in Nanoscience (chemistry) educates chemists specialising in structural and synthetic nanochemistry or computational chemistry and spectroscopy of nanoscale objects. Also combination of these two specialities is possible. Master''s Degree Programme will offer excellent possibilities to continue studies as a doctoral student or to work in private sector or in research. Prerequisites for Master''s Degree Programme in Nanoscience is a B.Sc. degree or equal studies in chemistry and additional studies in biology and/or physics. The studies emphasise broad interdisciplinary knowledge on nanoscience and development as an expert and researcher. Nanoscience is a rapidly evolving field and teaching is very tightly connected with research. Laboratory work and/or computational methods are essential part of the studies. Final project of the studies is highly topical and closely related to the research done in the research groups. The Master’s thesis can also be done in cooperation with companies or other research institutes. The Master''s Degree Programme in Nanoscience is an international Master''s Degree Programme that consists of studies completed in English. In addition, the master''s thesis must be completed in English.
Tutkinnon taso: Maisteri
Tutkintonimike: Filosofian maisterin tutkinto

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