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Degree structures

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Degree structures found


Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biology2017-2020
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biology, Specialisa...2017-2020
Luonnonvarat ja ympäristö -kandidaattiohjelma2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Aquatic Sciences2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Biological and Enviro...2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Cell and Molecular Bi...2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Ecology and Evolution...2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Environmental Science2017-2020
Master's Degree Programme in Nanoscience, Speciali...2017-2020
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET), 20162016-2017
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB), 20162016-2017
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO), 20162016-2017
B.Sc., Environmental Science, 20162016-2017
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology , 20162016-2017
B.Sc. teacher in biology, 20162016-2017
Master's Degree Programme in Ecology and Evolution...2016-2017
Master's Degree Programme in Nanoscience, cell and...2016-2017
Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Managemen...2014-2017
M.Sc., Aquatic Sciences, 20162016-2017
M.Sc., Cell and Molecular biology, 20162016-2017
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, 20162016-2017
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology, 20162016-2017
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology, 20162016-2017
M.Sc., teacher in biology 20162016-2017
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET)2015-2016
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2015-2016
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2015-2016
B.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2015-2016
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology [2]2015-2016
B.Sc. teacher in biology2015-2016
Master's Degree Programme in Ecology and Evolution...2015-2016
Master's Degree programme in Nanosciences, Cell an...2012-2016
M.Sc., Aquatic Sciences2015-2016
M.Sc., Cell and Molecular biology2014-2016
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2015-2016
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2014-2016
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2015-2016
M.Sc., teacher in biology2015-2016
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET)2014-2015
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2014-2015
B.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2014-2015
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology2014-2015
B.Sc. teacher in biology2014-2015
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2014-2015
Master's Degree Programme in Ecology and Evolution...2012-2015
M.Sc., Aquatic Sciences2014-2015
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2014-2015
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2014-2015
M.Sc., teacher in biology2014-2015
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus2014-2015
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET) [2]2013-2014
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2013-2014
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2013-2014
B.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology [2]2013-2014
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology2013-2014
B.Sc. teacher in biology2013-2014
Master's Degree Programme in Sustainable Managemen...2009-2014
M.Sc., Aquatic Sciences2013-2014
M.Sc., Cell and Molecular biology2012-2014
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2013-2014
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2013-2014
M.Sc., teacher in biology2009-2014
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus2013-2014
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET)2012-2013
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2012-2013
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2012-2013
B.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2012-2013
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology2012-2013
B.Sc. teacher in biology2012-2013
Master's Programme in Development and Internationa...2011-2013
M.Sc., Aquatic Sciences2009-2013
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2010-2013
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2012-2013
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus2012-2013
B.Sc., Aquatic Sciences ( WET)2011-2012
B.Sc., Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2011-2012
B.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2011-2012
B.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2011-2012
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology [2]2011-2012
B.Sc. teacher in biology2011-2012
Degree of Master of Science - Master's Programme i...2011-2012
Master's Degree programme in Nanosciences, Cell an...2010-2012
M.Sc., Cell and Molecular biology2010-2012
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology [2]2011-2012
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus [2]2011-2012
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Teacher in biology2010-2011
B.Sc. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (ECO)2010-2011
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology2010-2011
Degree of Master of Science - Master's Programme i...2010-2011
Master's Programme in Development and Internationa...2009-2011
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2010-2011
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus2010-2011
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Aquatic Sciences (WET)2010-2011
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2010-2011
B.Sc., M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2010-2011
B.Sc., Nanoscience, Cell and Molecular Biology2009-2010
Degree of Master of Science - Master’s Programme i...2009-2010
M.Sc., Cell and Molecular biology2009-2010
M.Sc., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology2009-2010
M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2009-2010
Nanotieteiden maisteriohjelma, pääaine solu- ja mo...2009-2010
Ympäristötieteen ja -teknologian maisterikoulutus2009-2010
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Aquatic Sciences (WET)2009-2010
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Cell and Molecular Biology (SMB)2009-2010
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology...2009-2010
B.Sc., and M.Sc. Teacher in biology2009-2010
B.Sc., M.Sc., Environmental Science and Technology2009-2010
Filosofian maisteri, ympäristötieteen ja -teknolog...2008-2009
Master's Degree Programme in Nanoscience2008-2009
Master's Degree Programme in SustainableManagement...2008-2009
Master's Programme in Development and Internationa...2008-2009
M.Sc., aquatic science2008-2009
M.Sc., biotechnology2008-2009
M.Sc., cell biology2008-2009
M.Sc., chemical biology2008-2009
M.Sc., ecology and environmental management2008-2009
M.Sc., environmental science2008-2009
M.Sc., evolutionary genetics2008-2009
M.Sc., molecular biology2008-2009
Uusiutuvan energian maisteriohjelma, Kestävä bioen...2008-2009
Kandidaatti ja maisteri, BIO, EKO, WET, SMB2008-2009
Kandidaatti ja maisteri, Nanotieteiden koulutusohj...2008-2009
Kandidaatti ja maisteri, YMP2008-2009
Kandidaatti ja maisteri, BIO, EKO, WET, SMB2007-2008